The Knox Award
The Knox medal honours individuals who deserve special recognition for the innovative and influential work in the field of separation science. The award is open to anyone from an industrial or academic background who is working or who has worked in the field of separation science. They should be recognised for excellence in development, application, training and /or dissemination of information and results.
Nominations are now closed.
The winner will be announced at SinS 2025.
Nomination for the award is via an open nomination system from within the scientific community. A nominee must be proposed and seconded by separate individuals, who must each produce a one-page justification for the award that meets the defined criteria.
Self-nominations will not be accepted. Any nominations submitted for the award will be decided upon, for their suitability, relevance and or merit, in line with the criteria of award, by the SSG committee. The decision of this group is final.
Award Details
To honour individuals deserving special recognition of their innovation or influential work in the field of separation science.
Selection and award criteria
Innovative, influential work in the area of separation science, e.g. recognised excellence in development, application, training and/or dissemination of information and results.
Nomination and selection
Nomination for the award is completed through a voting system carried out by email. See above for when details of the current nominations are open and be sure to email across your vote with clear reasoning as to why you made your vote. We use this information to select the best candidate for the award.
Presentation of award
The medal will be presented to the designated recipient at an appropriate scientific meeting together with a Certificate of Award signed by the Chair of the SSG and Chair of the Analytical Division of the RSC. The Chair of the RSC SSG, or his/her designated deputy, will present the award. The recipient would normally be expected to give a presentation of their work.
Anyone from an industrial or academic background, who is working or has worked in the field of separation science.
Announcement and Publicity
Calls for applications will be made via RSC newsletters, website, e-mail and appropriate journals.
Frequency of award
The award is infrequent. The timing of the award being governed by candidacy and the opportunity to present the award at an appropriate meeting.
Since 2010, the Knox Award has been awarded to Separation Science Grandees such as Prof Keith Bartle, Prof Pat Sandra and Prof Peter Schoenmakers.
Prof Jim Jorgenson was the 2018 recipient of the Knox Medal.